Lessons Learned in Food and Retail – Post COVID
Lessons Learned in Food and Retail – Post COVID

How has the COVID pandemic impacted the way you do business?
The state regulation and health department requirements on retail stores during COVID has definitely affected the way we do business here at Bucciarelli's. We've had to remove some of our shelves to make room for social distancing as well as change the way customers order food and sandwiches. There are definitely longer wait times for service as well as limits on certain products. For example, customers are now asked to wait outside for their sandwiches to be prepared to limit the number of customers in the store. We have tried to make the new routine less stressful for everyone and have posted signs all over the store for guidance.
What has been the #1 lesson that you’ve learned about your business over the course of the past 6 months?
That our customers are loyal and for the most part, are very patient and understanding of the changes we've had to make to keep everyone safe. And our staff is also loyal and extremely caring about Bucciarelli's and we consider them brave, supportive and happy to be here to serve our customers and community despite the risks. We have also learned that we can adapt to any situation quickly such as the day we decided to close the doors and offer curbside only to protect our staff and customers. Curbside went extremely well and we quickly worked out any kinks to make it a service that customers are still longing for.
Post COVID – will you continue to keep any guidelines in place? Please explain.
We have found that the way we order sandwiches is definitely quicker and more efficient so some of the internal procedures will be kept in place. We are going to continue to listen to the advice of the medical professionals before changing any social distancing and mask wearing requirements. Many customers loved our curbside service during the shut down, so we are considering offering curbside during the winter months when the flu season hits.