Seasonal Business During a Pandemic
Seasonal Business During a Pandemic

How has COVID-19 effected your business?
For Salisbury Discount House as for so many businesses, the waiting and not knowing in April and May whether we could even open was challenging. Once we got the go ahead from the Governor in June it was time to play catch up and schedule all of the deliveries we had postponed. Then we ordered lots of sanitizer, masks, gloves, etc. and put up the plexiglass shields that are so important.
Because June and July’s weather was beach friendly, we were happy to see many of our summer customers coming back. And many told us how glad they were to be at the beach. It appears that many consider the beach a safe place to bring the children where they can run and play after the months of being inside. We are not seeing the number of “tourists “from other states and will miss our Canadian friends this month.
Do you have a recovery plan in place and if so - please explain?
From the moment we opened, we have tried to be as safe as possible to protect ourselves and the public. “No Mask-No Entry- No Exceptions”. Is the rule. We are vigilant and it can be exhausting but it is necessary.
Do you have a positive story/message that has come out of COVID-19 as it relates to your business?
Most customers have been wonderful and genuinely wish us to Stay Safe as they leave. It is an unusual and challenging summer and we have been truly impressed by the number of people who have adapted so well!!!